15 Social Media Content Ideas for Yoga Teachers

If there’s anything 2020 has taught us about business it’s that being able to market your business online effectively has never been more important.

It’s never been easier to directly reach out to your target customers but getting it right doesn’t always happen first time! It’s important to understand WHO your customer is, their pain points and why your services are the right solution for them.

15 social media ideas for yoga teachers

2020 has proved that good health is super important in fighting against viruses so fitness studios have a great opportunity for growth both online and in physical locations as things start to return to normal in 2021.

Let’s take a look at some content ideas that are helpful and which your clients will totally resonate with:

  1. Yoga poses. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, knowing what you can get out of different Yoga poses is really valuable.

  2. No. 1 leads nicely into no. 2; show your expertise by demonstrating how to get your poses right and outlining do’s and don’ts. You can use carousel posts and split images to demonstrate.

  3. Yoga variations. What’s the difference between Hatha and Ashtanga and what’s right for different people looking to start or switch up their sessions?

  4. Short flows. Demonstrate flows that people can perform regularly at home especially during current lockdowns. Are there specific flows you’d recommend for stress or before bed?

  5. Don’t be shy! Shout about your success and post client reviews and testimonials. There’s nothing better than having that social proof out there. People trust their friends and peers when they recommend businesses so this is really important. And if you can get some video reviews, even better - these are the gold standard of testimonials.

  6. Home Yoga set-up. With so many people practising Yoga from home now, why not give people some inspiration on how they could enhance their Yoga space. From beautiful green plants to  incense and sounds, get excited about how people can zen out stylishly!

  7. Food and drinks to compliment wellbeing. Most Yogi’s are people that respect the body and mind and want to nourish it properly. What are your favourite healthy foods and drinks?

  8. Tips on health and wellbeing. What’s your current best advice on how to deal with anxiety stemming from the unknowns of the pandemic? What are you doing to alleviate stress?

  9. Inspirational quotes. Like them or loathe them, inspirational quotes often do really well on social media. Whether they lift people up or make people laugh, they usually provoke human emotion which is an important element of social media marketing.

  10. Educate on how Yoga can complement other workout activities like HIIT. Yoga is really beneficial to lengthen out muscles that have been regularly contracted during more intense workouts. Educate your followers on this and reach out to new audiences who you may be able to help e.g. runners.

  11. Good reasons to start Yoga. Go back to the start; why did you begin Yoga? Why would someone want to start? This is also a good opportunity to tell your brand or business story about where it all started and why.

  12. Tips on best clothing to wear when practising Yoga. Got a favourite brand? Why not give them a shout out.  You can also give advice on Yoga equipment and what works well.

  13. Let people know what they can expect from their first Yoga session with you.

  14. Interesting facts that stem from the roots of Yoga and why it works. This is an excellent chance to demonstrate your deep knowledge, expertise and Yoga learnings.

  15. Show behind the scenes of your business or show your team. People buy from people so make sure your followers know the faces behind the brand and give your business personality.

    TIP: As a newish feature, Instagram is pushing Reels so using this for some of your content will give you a chance to increase your reach and use some of the creative options it offers.

So there are some content ideas for starters!

If you’d like further help planning your social media and paid advertising,


5 Mistakes to Avoid With Your Social Media


5 Reels Ideas for Fitness