35 social media content ideas for nutritionists - 2023

Short on content ideas? Then dive into this list! Don’t forget - many of these are ever-green so you can use the ideas again. Also, remember to think about the different post types you are using to share your content. Instagram Reels and Carousels are great for discovery and engagement.

34 social media content ideas for nutritionists
  1. Share your favourite recipes. Classic Nutritionist content but if you’re sharing recipes that you love and perhaps your clients do too, it will give people a good idea of your nutrition direction. Nutritionists aren’t all the same after all.

  2. Share client success - before and after. There’s nothing better for potential clients to see than the success of your past clients. It shows your expertise and adds credibility to your brand.

  3. Explain why processed foods are bad. Not everyone realises why ultra processed foods are a no-no so explaining in simple terms will always be a piece of content you can repeat time and time again as your audience builds (this is known as ever-green content)

  4. Explain the reasons why women might not lose weight in the same way as men. A more complex piece that will demonstrate knowledge and position you as an expert.

  5. Explain why you can’t out-train a bad diet. The amount of energy we burn from 20 minutes on the treadmill is never going to be the same as not eating it in the beginning or choosing a healthier option!

  6. Explain why vegetables are good for your gut and which ones your gut loves

  7. Explain why calories in and calories out doesn’t always stack up

  8. Share your latest blog post. Don’t forget to not only blog regularly but also post about it on social and drive people to read it. Blogs are great for SEO

  9. Use the green screen to share snack hacks . The green screen on Instagram Reels and TikTok is a brilliant feature to learn how to use. There is a lot of potential for use here for nutritionists!

  10. Show how to prep and cook certain foods. There are some foods which are a bit of a mystery. Do your followers know how to prepare and cook a Jerusalem Artichoke? Show them! Education is a key part of why people will follow you.

  11. Foods and herbs/spice matches. Many foods taste better with added herbs and/or spice but not everyone has the know-how. Share your knowledge on what spices/herbs work with what foods.

  12. Food preparation hacks. Show what foods can be prepared ahead of time for those who are short of time.

  13. Share some of the foods that are best bought frozen and food that can be easily frozen

  14. Behind the scenes in your kitchen. Favourite ways of cooking, what you’re cooking tonight

  15. Cook-a-long. Ask your followers to join you for a LIVE cook-a-long

  16. What’s in your fridge. Show your followers what’s inside your fridge. People love to be nosey plus it helps people get to know you a more personal level.

  17. Your kitchen cupboard essentials - what are the cupboard basics you' always have in stock?

  18. Kitchen equipment you couldn’t live without. What utensils could you not live without?

  19. Quiz - how well do you know your foods

  20. Share what foods have what vitamins.

  21. Ideas for vegans to ensure they are getting the right balance of nutrients.

  22. Hidden sugar. Show the foods where you’d least expect it.

  23. Myth busting. The nutrition space (especially on social media) is full of myths that you can clear up whilst positioning yourself as an expert.

  24. How to eat well on a budget. Budget friendly recipes 

  25. Why fad diets don’t work. Share why it’s better to develop a sustainable approach to healthy eating.

  26. The best carbs to eat. Not all carbs are equal!

  27. Growing foods at home. Easiest foods and the hardest ones to grow! 

  28. Foods and hormones. Symptoms that might suggest a hormone imbalance and how diet can help.

  29. How to improve digestion. Share reasons you might be bloated and how to treat it through diet.

  30. 5 easy ways to improve gut health. Share the gut health basics. Using a carousel is a great way of sharing multiple tips since they encourage engagement.

  31. Explain how a poor diet can impact the health of your skin.

  32. Hacking a supermarket shop. The basics that should always be in your basket and how to reduce costs by clever shopping.

  33. What fruit/veggies to buy organic and those you don’t need to worry so much about. Clean 15 and dirty dozen!

  34. Ask your audience what they’d like to see from you. If you’re still unsure whether your client is what your followers want to see - ask! Run a Poll on Instagram Stories and ask people to DM if they have other ideas.

  35. Snack hacks - create an Instagram Reel (easy to repurpose across other platforms) to show how to swap in healthy snacks.

Did you find this helpful? Come find me on Instagram where I share useful tips for marketing your nutrition business.


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